
Could you show us how you measure CPU & network?

Just to be sure we're not missing something obvious


De : Alain RODRIGUEZ [mailto:arodr...@gmail.com] 
Envoyé : Monday, September 07, 2015 5:19 PM
À : user@cassandra.apache.org
Objet : Re: Effect of adding/removing nodes from cassandra

Hi, sorry I have been quite busy and was hopping that someone else could answer 
about CPU, as told I never went that deep.

"But if there were in fact 5 nodes then the max throughput per node would be 
capped at 25/5 = 5MB/s" 
This is wrong imho. Stream are globally capped, independently of the total 
nimber of node, at any time. I mean, output of each node is capped to 200 Mb, 
no matter you node number, so you can always reach this 200 Mb theoretically, 
even if streaming to one node.
Yet I know that bandwidth is not often the bottleneck lately, something else 
is, not sure what, you might want to "watch" this issue 

About cpu, if this is not due to Compactions then I have no ideas of what is 
happening exactly. Yet, you might want to use 
https://github.com/aragozin/jvm-tools to find this out. Running something like 
"java -jar sjk-plus-0.3.6.jar ttop -s localhost:7199 -o CPU -n 30" would 
probably help.

About “handling all the streams” it was to say something. I have no idea what 
happen in there but there a little work to handle streams and write data... Yet 
this should not be 20 %, unless your CPU are ridiculously inefficient / old 

I have no knowledge of a documentation describing the bootstrap process. I use 
Datastax docs a lot 
 but I don't think they go that deep, it is more a user guide than a technical 
description. You might want to have a look at the code...

Please keep us posted, your work is interesting (plus linked to some recent 
issues about over throttled bootstraps).



2015-09-02 22:33 GMT+02:00 Ahamed, Aadil <aaha...@akamai.com>:
Hi Alain,

Thank you for your prompt and detailed response. I found it very helpful.
As for your questions:- I am interning at Akamai. I can’t say too much about 
the use case but we are looking at Cassandra as an option to serve large 
volumes of sustained data.

My Cassandra version is:  2.1.7 (thanks for the tip)

As a follow up to your response:

Stream Throughput
I ran nodetool getstreamthroughput and the output was 200Mb/s = 25 MB/s so it 
is weird that my throughput is capped at 5MB/s. However, I do have a guess for 
why this is occurring – Initially I had a 5 node cluster but I decommissioned 2 
nodes for the purpose of this test. But if there were in fact 5 nodes then the 
max throughput per node would be capped at 25/5 = 5MB/s. Based on the issue you 
raised it does not look like Cassandra can adapt the per node streaming 
throughput (5MB/s) to take full advanatage of the total stream throughput (25 
MB/s). This still raises the question: Why isn’t the per node stream throughput 
changed to 25/3 = 8.33MB/s after 2 nodes are decommissioned from the 5 node 
cluster? Does it have something to do with  Cassandra expecting decommissioned 
nodes to rejoin the cluster eventually? Of course, my guess could be wrong and 
the problem could be a result of a completely different issue.

CPU usage for Bootstrapping
I have tried adding nodes with auto-compaction disabled (nodetool 
disableautocompaction) and it still results in similar amounts of cpu usage so 
I don’t think compaction is the main cause. In addition, you said that  
handling all the stream also consume CPU. Could you explain a little more on 
what you mean by “handling all the streams”?. Also, if you know any 
sites/documents that have more in depth information about the bootstrap process 
please let me know.

Thanks again for your help. I really appreciate it.

From: Alain RODRIGUEZ <arodr...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: "user@cassandra.apache.org" <user@cassandra.apache.org>
Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 5:26 AM
To: "user@cassandra.apache.org" <user@cassandra.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Effect of adding/removing nodes from cassandra

Hi Aadil, and welcome then !
Graph for initial node 1, 2:
1. You can set "stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec" in cassandra.yaml 
configuration for permanent change. The point here is not to take all the 
bandwidth while adding a node to let transactional network to run as normally 
as possible. Also look at "nodetool setstreamthroughput" (and 
"getstreamthroughput") if you want to adjust during an operation without 
restarting the node. This will be overridden on node restart, back to the value 
 in the cassandra.yaml
This limit the outgoing traffic, meaning that this will increase for each node 
you add, if using vnodes, on certain operations like repair, removenode, ... 
You might want to take this into consideration. I created a not very popular 
issue about this, at least I detail the issue there --> 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-9509. In your exemple see that 
you receive 2 * 5 = 10 MB/s, then one node finishes, and you keep receiving 5 
Though, default is 200 Mbps (25 MB) , not sure why you are limited to 5 MB 
there, unless you changed this or I miscalculated something, this use to happen 
to me :D... Also maybe something relative to 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-9766 (btw, ou might want to add 
your version of Cassandra when posting, it would be easier to point you to 
known bugs or to the right options etc)
Graph for added node:
1. Adding a node is CPU intensive I guess it is mainly because you have to 
compact all the data you accumulated quite fast on the bootstrapping node 
(maybe there is more reason, other people might explain this better, I never 
needed to go that deep, I imagine handling all the stream also consume CPU)
2. You partially answered yourself, one node ended streaming. The other half of 
the question, about the reason why the other node don't send more data is 
explained above. Limitations are on outgoing traffic, so this looks normal to 
The only weird thing to me is the threshold of you streaming throughput, unless 
you changed it.
Btw, I am very curious, please feel free not to answer this if you are under a 
NDA or whatever. Are you working for Akamai ? What's your use case for 
Cassandra ?
Hope this will help !


This is my first post to this mailing list so I want to apologize in advance if 
I break any rules or guidelines. I have also inserted images of graphs and I am 
not sure if they will show up. Please let me know if I can improve my post in 
any way. 

I am investigating the effect of adding and removing nodes from a Cassandra 
cluster by collecting metrics on cpu utilization, memory usage etc.
Basically I want to have a quantitative measurement of how intensive the 
add/remove operation is so we know what to expect when increasing/decreasing 
capacity on our production cluster.
I wrote a tool to measure this effect but I need help interpreting the data I 
have collected.

Here is a sample testcase:

Relevant Machine Information:
Logical cores: 8
Core model: Intel Xeon(R) CPU E31270 @ 3.4GHz
Non-Volatile storage: Hard Disk

Test Info:
Keyspace: Simple strategy with replication factor 2
Initial no. of nodes on cluster: 2 [,]
Initial load on each node: 30GB
No. of added nodes: 1 []
Final load on each node: 18GB

*The x-axis for all graphs is in seconds

Graph for initial node 1:

Graph for initial node 2:

Graph for added node:

Here are my questions:

Graph for initial node 1, 2:

1. Why is the KBytes/s sent over the network stay constant at around ~5000 
KB/s? Can I change it to something higher?

Graph for added node:

1.  Why is the cpu usage so high? 
It is close to 30% for ~800 seconds and 10% for another 400 seconds. I did not 
expect the cpu usage to be this high and I did not expect it to stay high for 
such a long period of time. Based on my understanding the only cpu intensive 
process during bootstrap is token range recalculation. However, based on the 
graph the cpu usage seems to be proportional to the amount of data that is 
streamed to the node at any given moment in time.

2. Why does the Kbytes/s received over the network drop from - ~10000 -> ~5000  
- at around 800 seconds?
I can see that initial node 1 stops streaming data at around 800 seconds but 
why does initial node 2 not bump up its outgoing rate of transfer?

Thanks for your help,

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