
I'm trying to use tablesnap [1] for disaster recovery backups, and while my
uploads seem to be working fine, I can't figure out how to run the
associated tableslurp tool for restores. If I pass the full S3 path to the
individual table to tableslurp, it will restore that table, but if I try to
pass the path to, e.g., the full keyspace, I get:

LookupError: Cannot find anything to restore from

Based on the source [2], it seems to be only looking for `-listdir.json`
files in the same directory, but my directories in S3 only have
`-listdir.json` files for other *files*, not directories. I am running
tablesnap with the `--recursive` option.

Any ideas?


[1]: https://github.com/JeremyGrosser/tablesnap

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