Hi list, We're bringing up a second DC, and following the procedure outlined here: http://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/2.1/cassandra/operations/ops_add_dc_to_cluster_t.html
We have three nodes in the new DC that are members of the cluster and indicate that they are running normally. We have begun the process of altering the keyspaces for multi-DC and are streaming over data via nodetool rebuild on a keyspace-by-keyspace basis. I couldn't find a clear answer for this: at what point is it safe to rebuild from the new dc versus the old? In other words, I have machines a, b, and c in DC2 (the new DC). I build a and b by specifying DC1 on the rebuild command line. Can I safely rebuild against DC2 for machine c? Is this at all dependent on quorum settings? Our DC's are linked by a VPN that doesn't have as big of a pipe as we'd like- streaming in the new DC would make things faster and ease some headaches. Thanks for any help! --Bryan