There is no leader in cassandra. I suggest you ask Azkaban community about
intgteation with Azkaban and Azkaban HA.

On Sunday, August 16, 2015, Vikram Kone <> wrote:

> Can't we use zoo keeper for leader election in Cassandra and based on who
> is leader azkaban or any app instance for that matter on that
> Cassandra server. I'm thinking that I can copy the applocation folder to
> all nodes and then determine which one to run using zookeeper. Is that
> possible ?
> Sent from Outlook <>
> On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 6:47 AM -0700, "John Wong" <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
> Hi
>> I am not familiar with Azkaban and probably a better question to the
>> Azkaban community IMO. But there seems to be two modes (
>> one is solo and one is
>> two-server mode, but either way I think still SPOF? If there is no
>> election, just based on process, my 2 cents would be monitor, alert, and
>> start the process somewhere else. Better yet, don't install the process on
>> Cassandra node. Keep your instance for one purpose only. If you run cloud
>> like AWS you will be able to autoscale min1 max1 easily.
>> Note: In peer-to-peer architecture, there is simply no concept of master.
>> You can start with some seed nodes for discovery. It depends how you design
>> discovery.
>> On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 11:49 AM, Vikram Kone <
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We are planning to install Azkaban in solo server mode on a 24
>>> node cassandra cluster to be able to schedule spark jobs with intricate
>>> dependency chain. The problem, is since Cassandra has a no-SPOF
>>> architecture ie any node can become the master for the cluster, it creates
>>> the problem for Azkaban master since it's not a peer-peer architecture
>>> where any node can become the master. Only a single mode has to be master
>>> at any given time.
>>> What are our options here? Are there any framworks or tools out there
>>> that would allow any application to run on a cluster of machines with high
>>> availablity?
>>> Should I be looking at something like zookeeper for this ? Or Mesos may
>>> be?

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