It’s noticeable from the log file that you have many sstable files. For instance there are over 11,000 sstable files for table “word_usage”, and over 10,500 of those are less than one MB in size. I am guessing this has to be part of the reason bootstrap is taking so long.
What type of compaction are you using and how did you configure compaction for “word_usage”? Which version of Cassandra are you using? From: Surbhi Gupta [] Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2015 10:17 PM To: Cc: Erick Ramirez Subject: Re: Can't connect to Cassandra server What is the output you are getting if you are issuing nodetool status command ... On 23 July 2015 at 11:30, Chamila Wijayarathna <<>> wrote: Hi Peer, I changed and following are the parameters I used,' MAX_HEAP_SIZE="8G" HEAP_NEWSIZE="1600M" But I am still unable to start the server properly. But this time system.log has bit different logs. Any idea on how to proceed? Thanks On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 11:54 AM, Peer, Oded <<>> wrote: Setting system_memory_in_mb to 16 GB means the Cassandra heap size you are using is 4 GB. If you meant to use a 16GB heap you should uncomment the line #MAX_HEAP_SIZE="4G" And set MAX_HEAP_SIZE="16G" You should uncomment the HEAP_NEWSIZE setting as well. I would leave it with the default setting 800M until you are certain it needs to be changed. From: Chamila Wijayarathna [<>] Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2015 9:21 PM To: Erick Ramirez Cc:<> Subject: Re: Can't connect to Cassandra server Hi Erick, In, system_memory_in_mb was set to 2GB, I changed it into 16GB, but I still get the same issue. Following are my complete system.log after changing, and new I can't find ant output.log in my cassandra installation. Thanks On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 4:31 AM, Erick Ramirez <<>> wrote: Chamila, As you can see from the netstat/lsof output, there is nothing listening on port 9042 because Cassandra has not started yet. This is the reason you are unable to connect via cqlsh. You need to work out first why Cassandra has not started. With regards to JVM, Oded is referring to the max heap size and new heap size you have configured. The suspicion is that you have max heap size set too low which is apparent from the heap pressure and GC pattern in the log you provided. Please provide the gist for the following so we can assist: - updated system.log - copy of output.log - Cheers, Erick Erick Ramirez About Me<> -- Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna, Software Engineer Mobile:(+94)788193620<tel:%28%2B94%29788193620> WSO2 Inc., -- Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna, Software Engineer Mobile:(+94)788193620 WSO2 Inc.,