
This is not necessarily true. Repair will induce compactions only if you
have entropy in your cluster. If not it will just read your data to compare
all the replica of each piece of data (using indeed cpu and disk IO).

If there is some data missing it will "repair" it. Though, due to merkle
tree size, you will generally stream more data than just the data needed.
To limit this downside and the compactions amount, use range repairs -->

About tombstones, they will be evicted only after gc_grace_period and only
if all the parts of the row are part of the compaction.



2015-06-19 9:08 GMT+02:00 arun sirimalla <arunsi...@gmail.com>:

> Yes compactions will remove tombstones
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 11:46 PM, Jean Tremblay <
> jean.tremb...@zen-innovations.com> wrote:
>>  Perfect thank you.
>> So making a weekly "nodetool repair -pr”  on all nodes one after the
>> other will repair my cluster. That is great.
>>  If it does a compaction, does it mean that it would also clean up my
>> tombstone from my LeveledCompactionStrategy tables at the same time?
>>  Thanks for your help.
>>  On 19 Jun 2015, at 07:56 , arun sirimalla <arunsi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  Hi Jean,
>>  Running nodetool repair on a node will repair only that node in the
>> cluster. It is recommended to run nodetool repair on one node at a time.
>>  Few things to keep in mind while running repair
>>    1. Running repair will trigger compactions
>>    2. Increase in CPU utilization.
>>  Run node tool repair with -pr option, so that it will repair only the
>> range that node is responsible for.
>> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 10:50 PM, Jean Tremblay <
>> jean.tremb...@zen-innovations.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks Jonathan.
>>>  But I need to know the following:
>>>  If you issue a “nodetool repair” on one node will it repair all the
>>> nodes in the cluster or only the one on which we issue the command?
>>>    If it repairs only one node, do I have to wait that the nodetool
>>> repair ends, and only then issue another “nodetool repair” on the next node?
>>>  Kind regards
>>>  On 18 Jun 2015, at 19:19 , Jonathan Haddad <j...@jonhaddad.com> wrote:
>>>  If you're using DSE, you can schedule it automatically using the
>>> repair service.  If you're open source, check out Spotify cassandra reaper,
>>> it'll manage it for you.
>>>  https://github.com/spotify/cassandra-reaper
>>>  On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 12:36 PM Jean Tremblay <
>>> jean.tremb...@zen-innovations.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I want to make on a regular base repairs on my cluster as suggested by
>>>> the documentation.
>>>> I want to do this in a way that the cluster is still responding to read
>>>> requests.
>>>> So I understand that I should not use the -par switch for that as it
>>>> will do the repair in parallel and consume all available resources.
>>>> If you issue a “nodetool repair” on one node will it repair all the
>>>> nodes in the cluster or only the one on which we issue the command?
>>>> If it repairs only one node, do I have to wait that the nodetool repair
>>>> ends, and only then issue another “nodetool repair” on the next node?
>>>> If we had down time periods I would issue a nodetool -par, but we don’t
>>>> have down time periods.
>>>> Sorry for the stupid questions.
>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>  --
>>     Arun
>> Senior Hadoop/Cassandra Engineer
>> Cloudwick
>>  2014 Data Impact Award Winner (Cloudera)
>> http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera/en/campaign/data-impact-awards.html
> --
> Arun
> Senior Hadoop/Cassandra Engineer
> Cloudwick
> 2014 Data Impact Award Winner (Cloudera)
> http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera/en/campaign/data-impact-awards.html

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