
I already got this error on a 2.1 clusters because thrift was disabled. So
you should check that thrift is enabled and accessible from the
sstableloader process.

Hope this help

Le 19 juin 2015 05:44, "Mitch Gitman" <mgit...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> I'm using sstableloader to bulk-load a table from one cluster to another.
> I can't just copy sstables because the clusters have different topologies.
> While we're looking to upgrade soon to Cassandra 2.0.x, we're on Cassandra
> 1.2.19. The source data comes from a "nodetool snapshot."
> Here's the command I ran:
> Here's the result I got:
> Could not retrieve endpoint ranges:
>  -pr,--principal                       kerberos principal
>  -k,--keytab                           keytab location
>  --ssl-keystore                        ssl keystore location
>  --ssl-keystore-password               ssl keystore password
>  --ssl-keystore-type                   ssl keystore type
>  --ssl-truststore                      ssl truststore location
>  --ssl-truststore-password             ssl truststore password
>  --ssl-truststore-type                 ssl truststore type
> Not sure what to make of this, what with the hints at security arguments
> that pop up. The source and destination clusters have no security.
> Hoping this might ring a bell with someone out there.

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