We (finally) have just upgraded from Cassandra 1.1 to Cassandra 1.2.19.
Everything appears to be up and running normally, however, we have noticed
unusual output from nodetool ring. There is a new (to us) field "Replicas" in
the nodetool output, and this field, seemingly at random, is changing from 2 to
3 and back to 2.
We are using the byte ordered partitioner (we hash our own keys), and have a
replication factor of 3. We are also on AWS and utilize the Ec2snitch on a
single Datacenter.
Other calls appear to be normal. "nodetool getEndpoints" returns the proper
endpoints when querying various keys, nodetool ring and status return that all
nodes appear healthy.
Anyone have any hints on what maybe happening, or if this is a problem we
should be concerned with?