U said RF=1...missed that..so not sure eventual consistency is creating issues..


Anuj Wadehra

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From:"Anuj Wadehra" <anujw_2...@yahoo.co.in>
Date:Sat, 13 Jun, 2015 at 11:31 pm
Subject:Re: Dropped mutation messages

I think the messages dropped are the asynchronous ones required to maintain 
eventual consistency. Client may not be complaining as the data gets commited 
to one node synchronously..but dropped when sent to other nodes asynchronously..

We resolved similar issue in our cluster by increasing memtable_flush_writers 
to 3 from 1 ( we were writing to multiple cf simultaneously).

We also fixed GC issues and reduced total_memtable_size_in_mb to ensure that 
most memtables are flushed early in heavy write loads.


Anuj Wadehra

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From:"Robert Wille" <rwi...@fold3.com>
Date:Sat, 13 Jun, 2015 at 8:29 pm
Subject:Re: Dropped mutation messages

Internode messages which are received by a node, but do not get not to be 
processed within rpc_timeout are dropped rather than processed. As the 
coordinator node will no longer be waiting for a response. If the Coordinator 
node does not receive Consistency Level responses before the rpc_timeout it 
will return a TimedOutException to the client. 

I understand that, but that’s where this makes no sense. I’m running with RF=1, 
and CL=QUORUM, which means each update goes to one node, and I need one 
response for a success. I have many thousands of dropped mutation messages, but 
no TimedOutExceptions thrown back to the client. If I have GC problems, or 
other issues that are making my cluster unresponsive, I can deal with that. But 
having writes that fail and no error is clearly not acceptable. How is it 
possible to be getting errors and not be informed about them?



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