Thanks, Daniel.
I didn't realize that Cassandra will serialize one more way using 
List<Pair<ByteBuffer, Column>> for collection types. Reading your example code, 
I make it work.
>From link you gave me, using my test data, I found out one issue though. In 
>any one row, if the collection column is NULL, I think the logic of code will 
>throw NullPointException on line 148:
Line 145    private void addValue(GenericRecord record, CFDefinition.Name name, 
ColumnGroupMap group){
Line 146        if (name.type.isCollection()) {
Line 147            List<Pair<ByteBuffer, Column>> collection = 
Line 148            ByteBuffer buffer = 
            addCqlCollectionToRecord(record, name, buffer);
If the collection column in that row is NULL, then Line 147 will return NULL, 
which will cause the following exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException       at 
 at org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ListType.serialize(
So I need to add a check to avoid that, as any regular columns in Cassandra 
could just have NULL value.
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2015 15:13:02 -0700
Subject: Re: Deserialize the collection type data from the SSTable file

I'm not sure why sstable2json doesn't work for collections, but if you're into 
reading raw sstables we use the following code with good success:

On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 1:22 PM, java8964 <> wrote:

Hi, Cassandra users:
I have a question related to how to Deserialize the new collection types data 
in the Cassandra 2.x. (The exactly version is C 2.0.10).
I create the following example tables in the CQLSH:
CREATE TABLE coupon (  account_id bigint,  campaign_id uuid,  
........................,  discount_info map<text, text>,  
........................,  PRIMARY KEY (account_id, campaign_id))
The other columns can be ignored in this case. Then I inserted into the one 
test data like this:
insert into coupon (account_id, campaign_id, discount_info) values (111,uuid(), 
After this, I got the SSTable files. I use the sstable2json file to check the 
$./resources/cassandra/bin/sstable2json /xxx/test-coupon-jb-1-Data.db[{"key": 
What I want to is to get the {"test_key" : "test_value"} as key/value pair that 
I input into "discount_info" column. I followed the sstable2json code, and try 
to deserialize the data by myself, but to my surprise, I cannot make it work, 
even I tried several ways, but kept getting Exception.
>From what I researched, I know that Cassandra put the "campaign_id" + 
>"discount_info" + "Another ByteBuffer" as composite column in this case. When 
>I deserialize this columnName, I got the following dumped out as String:
It includes 3 parts: the first part is the uuid for the campaign_id. The 2nd 
part as "discount_info", which is the static name I defined in the table. The 3 
part is a bytes array as length of 46, which I am not sure what it is. 
The corresponding value part of this composite column is another byte array as 
length of 10, hex as "746573745f76616c7565" if I dump it out.
Now, here is what I did and not sure why it doesn't work. First, I assume the 
value part stores the real value I put in the Map, so I did the following:
ByteBuffer value = ByteBufferUtil.clone(column.value());MapType<String, String> 
result = MapType.getInstance(UTF8Type.instance, UTF8Type.instance);
Map<String, String> output = result.compose(value);// it gave me the following 
exception: org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException: Not enough bytes 
to read a mapThen I am think that the real value must be stored as part of the 
column names (the 3rd part of 46 bytes), so I did this:MapType<String, String> 
result = MapType.getInstance(UTF8Type.instance, UTF8Type.instance);
Map<String, String> output = result.compose(third_part.value);// I got the 
following exception:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        at java.nio.Buffer.limit(
I can get all other non-collection types data, but I cannot get the data from 
the Map. My questions are:1) How does the Cassandra store the collection data 
in the SSTable files? From the length of bytes, it is most likely as part of 
the composite column. If so, why I got the exception as above? 2) The 
sstable2json doesn't deserialize the real data out from the collection type. So 
I don't have an example to follow. Do I use the wrong way trying to compose the 
Map type data?


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