Thanks, Daniel. I didn't realize that Cassandra will serialize one more way using List<Pair<ByteBuffer, Column>> for collection types. Reading your example code, I make it work. >From link you gave me, using my test data, I found out one issue though. In >any one row, if the collection column is NULL, I think the logic of code will >throw NullPointException on line 148: Line 145 private void addValue(GenericRecord record, CFDefinition.Name name, ColumnGroupMap group){ Line 146 if (name.type.isCollection()) { Line 147 List<Pair<ByteBuffer, Column>> collection = group.getCollection(; Line 148 ByteBuffer buffer = ((CollectionType)name.type).serialize(collection); addCqlCollectionToRecord(record, name, buffer); If the collection column in that row is NULL, then Line 147 will return NULL, which will cause the following exception: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CollectionType.enforceLimit( at org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ListType.serialize( So I need to add a check to avoid that, as any regular columns in Cassandra could just have NULL value. Thanks Yong From: Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2015 15:13:02 -0700 Subject: Re: Deserialize the collection type data from the SSTable file To:
I'm not sure why sstable2json doesn't work for collections, but if you're into reading raw sstables we use the following code with good success: Thanks,Daniel On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 1:22 PM, java8964 <> wrote: Hi, Cassandra users: I have a question related to how to Deserialize the new collection types data in the Cassandra 2.x. (The exactly version is C 2.0.10). I create the following example tables in the CQLSH: CREATE TABLE coupon ( account_id bigint, campaign_id uuid, ........................, discount_info map<text, text>, ........................, PRIMARY KEY (account_id, campaign_id)) The other columns can be ignored in this case. Then I inserted into the one test data like this: insert into coupon (account_id, campaign_id, discount_info) values (111,uuid(), {'test_key':'test_value'}); After this, I got the SSTable files. I use the sstable2json file to check the output: $./resources/cassandra/bin/sstable2json /xxx/test-coupon-jb-1-Data.db[{"key": "000000000000006f","columns": [["0336e50d-21aa-4b3a-9f01-989a8c540e54:","",1433792922055000], ["0336e50d-21aa-4b3a-9f01-989a8c540e54:discount_info","0336e50d-21aa-4b3a-9f01-989a8c540e54:discount_info:!",1433792922054999,"t",1433792922], ["0336e50d-21aa-4b3a-9f01-989a8c540e54:discount_info:746573745f6b6579","746573745f76616c7565",1433792922055000]]}] What I want to is to get the {"test_key" : "test_value"} as key/value pair that I input into "discount_info" column. I followed the sstable2json code, and try to deserialize the data by myself, but to my surprise, I cannot make it work, even I tried several ways, but kept getting Exception. >From what I researched, I know that Cassandra put the "campaign_id" + >"discount_info" + "Another ByteBuffer" as composite column in this case. When >I deserialize this columnName, I got the following dumped out as String: "0336e50d-21aa-4b3a-9f01-989a8c540e54:discount_info:746573745f6b6579". It includes 3 parts: the first part is the uuid for the campaign_id. The 2nd part as "discount_info", which is the static name I defined in the table. The 3 part is a bytes array as length of 46, which I am not sure what it is. The corresponding value part of this composite column is another byte array as length of 10, hex as "746573745f76616c7565" if I dump it out. Now, here is what I did and not sure why it doesn't work. First, I assume the value part stores the real value I put in the Map, so I did the following: ByteBuffer value = ByteBufferUtil.clone(column.value());MapType<String, String> result = MapType.getInstance(UTF8Type.instance, UTF8Type.instance); Map<String, String> output = result.compose(value);// it gave me the following exception: org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException: Not enough bytes to read a mapThen I am think that the real value must be stored as part of the column names (the 3rd part of 46 bytes), so I did this:MapType<String, String> result = MapType.getInstance(UTF8Type.instance, UTF8Type.instance); Map<String, String> output = result.compose(third_part.value);// I got the following exception:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException at java.nio.Buffer.limit( at org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil.readBytes( at org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil.readBytesWithShortLength( at org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MapSerializer.deserialize( at org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MapSerializer.deserialize( at org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType.compose( I can get all other non-collection types data, but I cannot get the data from the Map. My questions are:1) How does the Cassandra store the collection data in the SSTable files? From the length of bytes, it is most likely as part of the composite column. If so, why I got the exception as above? 2) The sstable2json doesn't deserialize the real data out from the collection type. So I don't have an example to follow. Do I use the wrong way trying to compose the Map type data? Thanks Yong