Hi everybody! Apache is splitting up ApacheCon into two conferences. One will focus on Big Data technologies, the other will focus on everything else.
Apache: Big Data will be Sept 28-30 in Budapest, Hungary. The timing is a bit unfortunate, as it is the week following the Cassandra Summit in the USA. If you are in Europe and find yourself unable to attend the Cassandra Summit but would like to have a similar experience, I encourage you to respond to the call for presentations to Apache: Big Data. It would be great to have enough presentations for a Cassandra track. See the CFP at http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apache-big-data-europe/program/cfp You have until 10 July to put your proposals together. You will be notified by 24 July whether or not your proposal is accepted. Kind Regards, Gary Dusbabek