Thank You. I have change unchecked_tombstone_compaction to true . Major
compaction will cause a big sstable ,I think is a lot good choice

Ranger Tsao

2015-06-09 11:16 GMT+08:00 Aiman Parvaiz <>:

> So gc_grace zero will remove tombstones without any delay after
> compaction. So it's possible that tombstones containing SSTs still need to
> be compacted. So either you can wait for compaction to happen or do a
> manual compaction depending on your compaction strategy. Manual compaction
> does have some drawbacks so please read about it.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 8, 2015, at 7:26 PM, 曹志富 <> wrote:
> I have C* 2.1.5,store some data with ttl.Reduce the gc_grace_seconds to
> zero.
> But it seems has no effect.
> Did I miss something?
> --------------------------------------
> Ranger Tsao

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