the error in the log output looks similar to this
 , in the opscenter 5.1.2 , do you configure the username/password same
with the agent and cassandra node too?


On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 11:13 AM, 贺伟平 <> wrote:

> ​
> I am using opscenter 5.1.2 and just enabled JMX username/password
> authentication on my Cassandra cluster. I think I've updated all my
> opscenter configs correctly to force the agents to use JMX auth, but it is
> not working.
> I've updated the config under /etc/opscenter/Clusters/[cluster-name].conf with
> the following jmx properties
>     [jmx]
>     username=username
>     password=password
>     port=7199
> I then restarted opscenter and opscenter agents, but see the following
> error in the opscenter agent logs:
> INFO [main] 2015-06-03 10:55:53,910 Loading conf files: ./conf/address.yaml
>   INFO [main] 2015-06-03 10:55:53,953 Java vendor/version: Java
> HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM/1.7.0_51
>   INFO [main] 2015-06-03 10:55:53,953 DataStax Agent version: 5.1.2
>   INFO [main] 2015-06-03 10:55:54,010 Default config values:
> {:cassandra_port 9042, :rollups300_ttl 2419200, :settings_cf "settings",
> :agent_rpc_interface "localhost", :restore_req_update_period 60,
> :my_channel_prefix "/agent", :poll_period 60, :jmx_username "heweiping",
> :thrift_conn_timeout 10000, :rollups60_ttl 604800, :stomp_port 61620,
> :shorttime_interval 10, :longtime_interval 300, :max-seconds-to-sleep 25,
> :private-conf-props ["initial_token" "listen_address" "broadcast_address"
> "rpc_address" "broadcast_rpc_address"], :thrift_port 9160,
> :async_retry_timeout 5, :agent-conf-group "global-cluster-agent-group",
> :jmx_host "", :ec2_metadata_api_host "",
> :metrics_enabled 1, :async_queue_size 5000, :backup_staging_dir nil,
> :read-buffer-size 10000000, :remote_verify_max 300000,
> :disk_usage_update_period 60, :throttle-bytes-per-second 500000,
> :rollups7200_ttl 31536000, :agent_rpc_broadcast_address "localhost",
> :remote_backup_retries 3, :ssl_keystore nil, :rollup_snapshot_period 300,
> :is_package false, :monitor_command
> "/usr/share/datastax-agent/bin/datastax_agent_monitor",
> :thrift_socket_timeout 5000, :remote_verify_initial_delay 1000,
> :cassandra_log_location "/var/log/cassandra/system.log",
> :max-pending-repairs 5, :remote_backup_region "us-west-1",
> :restore_on_transfer_failure false, :tmp_dir
> "/var/lib/datastax-agent/tmp/", :config_md5 nil, :jmx_port 7299,
> :write-buffer-size 100000, :jmx_metrics_threadpool_size 4, :use_ssl 0,
> :rollups86400_ttl 0, :nodedetails_threadpool_size 3, :api_port 61621,
> :kerberos_service nil, :backup_file_queue_max 10000, :jmx_thread_pool_size
> 5, :production 1, :runs_sudo 1, :max_file_transfer_attempts 30,
> :jmx_password "eefung", :stomp_interface "",
> :storage_keyspace "OpsCenter", :hosts [""],
> :rollup_snapshot_threshold 300, :jmx_retry_timeout 30, :unthrottled-default
> 10000000000, :remote_backup_retry_delay 5000, :remote_backup_timeout 1000,
> :seconds-to-read-kill-channel 0.005, :realtime_interval 5, :pdps_ttl 259200}
>   INFO [main] 2015-06-03 10:55:54,174 Waiting for the config from OpsCenter
>   INFO [main] 2015-06-03 10:55:54,175 Attempting to determine Cassandra's
> broadcast address through JMX
>   INFO [main] 2015-06-03 10:55:54,176 Starting Stomp
>   INFO [main] 2015-06-03 10:55:54,176 Starting up agent communcation with
> OpsCenter.
>   INFO [Initialization] 2015-06-03 10:55:54,180 New JMX connection (
>   WARN [Initialization] 2015-06-03 10:55:54,409 Error when trying to match
> our local token: java.lang.SecurityException: Authentication failed!
> Credentials required
>   INFO [main] 2015-06-03 10:55:59,412 Reconnecting to a backup OpsCenter
> instance
>   INFO [main] 2015-06-03 10:55:59,413 SSL communication is disabled
>   INFO [main] 2015-06-03 10:55:59,413 Creating stomp connection to
>   INFO [Initialization] 2015-06-03 10:55:59,418 Sleeping for 2s before
> trying to determine IP over JMX again
>   WARN [clojure-agent-send-off-pool-0] 2015-06-03 10:55:59,422 Tried to
> send message while not connected: /conf-request
> [["","0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%1","fe80:0:0:0:225:90ff:fe6a:d35c%2",""],["5.1.2","\/437054467\/conf"]]
>   INFO [StompConnection receiver] 2015-06-03 10:55:59,423 Reconnecting in
> 0s.
>   INFO [StompConnection receiver] 2015-06-03 10:55:59,424 Connected to
>   INFO [main] 2015-06-03 10:55:59,432 Starting Jetty server: {:join?
> false, :ssl? false, :host "localhost", :port 61621}
> Checks with other jmx based tools (nodetool, jmxtrans) confirm that the jmx
> setup is correct.
> Any ideals ?
> Thank you very much!
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