Did you have a look at Reaper? https://github.com/spotify/cassandra-reaper it's a project created by Spotify to address this issue, I did not evaluate it yet but it looks promising. On May 22, 2015 9:01 PM, "Brice Argenson" <bargen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone, > > We are currently migrating from DSE to Apache Cassandra and we would like > to put in place an automatic and periodic *nodetool repair* execution to > replace the one executed by OpsCenter. > > I wanted to create a script / service that would run something like that: > > > > > *token_rings = `nodetool ring | awk '{print $8}’` for(int i = 0; i < > token_rings.length; i += 2) { `nodetool repair -st token_rings[i] -et > token_rings[i+1]` }* > > That script / service would run every week (our GCGrace is 10 days) and > would repair all the ranges of the ring one by one. > > I also looked a bit on Google and I found that script: > https://github.com/BrianGallew/cassandra_range_repair > It seems to do something equivalent but it also seems to run the repair > node by node instead of the complete ring. > From my understanding, that would mean that the script has to be run for > every node of the cluster and that all token ranges would be repair as many > time as the number of replicas containing it. > > > Is there something I misunderstand? > Which approach is better? > How do you handle your Periodic Anti-Entropy Repairs? > > > Thanks a lot! >