Add more nodes to your cluster

On Apr 22, 2015, at 1:39 AM, John Anderson 
<<>> wrote:

Hey, I'm looking at querying around 500,000 rows that I need to pull into a 
Pandas data frame for processing.  Currently testing this on a single cassandra 
node it takes around 21 seconds:

I tried introducing multiprocessing so I could use 4 processes at a time to 
query this and I got it down to 14 seconds:

Although shaving off 7 seconds is great it still isn't really where I would 
like to be in regards to performance, for this many rows I'd really like to get 
down to a max of 1-2 seconds query time.

What types of optimization's can I make to improve the read performance when 
querying a large set of data?  Will this timing speed up linearly as I add more 

This is what the schema looks like currently:

I'm not tied to the current schema at all, its mostly just a replication of 
what we have in SQL Server. I'm more interested in what things I can change to 
make querying it faster.


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