Hi, I have a simple question and can't find related info in docs. I have cluster1 with 3 nodes and cluster2 with 5 nodes. I want to transfer whole keyspace named 'mykeyspace' data from cluster1 to cluster2 using sstableloader. I understand that it's not the best solution, I need it for testing purposes.
What I'm going to do: 1. Recreate keyspace schema on cluster2 using schema from cluster1 2. nodetool flush for mykeyspace.source_table being exported from cluster1 to cluster2 3. Run sstableloader for each table on cluster1.node01 sstableloader -d cluster2.nodeXXX.com /var/lib/cassandra/data/mykeyspace/source_table-83f369e0d6e511e4b3a6010e8d2b68af/ What should I get as a result on cluster2? *ALL* data from source_table? or Just data stored in *partition of source_table* I'm confused. Doc says I just run this command to export table from cluster1 to cluster2, but I specify path to a part of source_table data, since other parts of table should be on other nodes.