Yulian; Quote :Raw size is aroung 190MB.There are bigger raws with similar structure ( its index raws , which actually stores keys ) and everything is working fine on them, everything is working also fine on this cf but on other raw. Tables data from CFStats ( First table has bigger raws but works fine , where second has timeout ) : --------------------------- You asked: There are bigger raws with similar structure Question: Do you mean bigger rows ? What is the structure of the statuspindexes Keyspace & which table are you querying within it ? you asked: its index raws , which actually stores keysQuestion: do you mean Index rows ? how are you creating Indexes , what type of Indexes ? you asked: Tables data from CFStats, where second has timeout Question: What is the time out value set at & whats different about both these tables ? What are you querying from the second table ?
Unfortunately, I have more questions that answers; however despite the sacrilege of using super-columns (lol), there has got to be a logical answer to the Performance problem you are having. Hopefully we could dig in and find an answer . Jan/ On Tuesday, February 24, 2015 12:00 PM, Robert Coli <rc...@eventbrite.com> wrote: On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 8:50 AM, Yulian Oifa <oifa.yul...@gmail.com> wrote: The structure is the same , the CFs are super column CFs , where key is long ( timestamp to partition the index , so each 11 days new row is created ) , super Column is int32 and columns / values are timeuuids.I am running same queries , getting reversed slice by raw key and super column. Obligatory notice that Super Columns are not really recommended for use. I have no idea if the performance problem you are seeing is related to the use of Super Columns. =Rob