We did this query, most our files are less than 100MB.

Our heap setting are like (they are calculatwed using scipr in
which is maximum recommended by DataStax.

What values do you think we should try?

On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 10:06 AM, Roland Etzenhammer <
r.etzenham...@t-online.de> wrote:

> Hi Piotrek,
> your disks are mostly idle as far as I can see (the one with 17% busy
> isn't that high on load). One thing came up to my mind did you look on
> the sizes of your sstables? I did this with something like
> find /var/lib/cassandra/data -type f -size -1k -name "*Data.db" | wc
> find /var/lib/cassandra/data -type f -size -10k -name "*Data.db" | wc
> find /var/lib/cassandra/data -type f -size -100k -name "*Data.db" | wc
> ...
> find /var/lib/cassandra/data -type f -size -1000000k -name "*Data.db" | wc
> Your count is growing from opscenter - and if there are many really
> small tables I would guess you are running out of heap. If memory
> pressure is high it is likely that there will be much flushes of
> memtables to disk with many small files - had this once. You can
> increase heap in cassandra-env.sh, but be careful.
> Best regards,
> Roland

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