I've seen this before, when I tried to be clever and add nodes of a different 
major version into a cluster.  Any chance that's what's happening here?

> On Feb 25, 2015, at 4:52 PM, Robert Coli <rc...@eventbrite.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Batranut Bogdan <batra...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I have a new node that I want to add to the ring. The problem is that 
>> nodetool says UJ I have left it for several days and the status has not 
>> changed. In Opscenter it is "seen" as in an unknown cluster. 
> If I were you, I would do the following [1]  :
> 1) stop the joining node
> 2) make sure that the other nodes no longer see it joining
> 3) wipe the joining node's data directory
> 4) verify cluster name is correct in cassandra.yaml, and matches the other 
> nodes
> 5) re-join the node
> What version of Cassandra?
> =Rob
> [1] Which, jeesh, I should put into a "dealing with failed bootstrap" blog 
> post one of these days...

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