I have decommissioned a node, deleted data,commitlog and saved caches, changed 
yaml file to not include self ip and started it. For some reason I do not fully 
understand, Opscenter says that the node is in an unknown datacenter. Nodetool 
says UJ but shows "?" in the Owns column. I have started the node yesterday. I 
still see streams towards this node so I can I assume that once it finishes 
joining, Opscenter will see it properly?
I remember that I might have setup the entire initial cluster with own ips in 
the yaml file.To bring the cluster to a valid state, I assume that I have to 
decommission the nodes one by one, delete the data, and restart with correct 
yaml settings.Is this correct?
Also a change of the cluster name would be nice.How can this be done with 
minimal impact?
     On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 12:56 AM, Eric Stevens <migh...@gmail.com> 

 > Seed nodes apparently don’t bootstrap

That's right, if a node has itself in its own seeds list, it assumes it's a 
foundational member of the cluster, and it will join immediately with no 
If you've done this by accident, you should do nodetool decommission on that 
node, and when it's fully left the cluster, wipe its data directory, edit the 
yaml and remove it from the seeds list.
On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 3:25 PM, <sean_r_dur...@homedepot.com> wrote:

SimpleSnitch is not rack aware. You would want to choose seed nodes and then 
not change them. Seed nodes apparently don’t bootstrap. All nodes need the same 
seeds in the yaml file. Here is more info: 
   Sean Durity – Cassandra Admin, Big Data TeamTo engage the team,create a 
request From: Batranut Bogdan [mailto:batra...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 3:28 PM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org; reynald.bourtembo...@esrf.fr
Subject: Re: Adding new node to cluster Hello, I use SimpleSnitch. All the 
nodes are in the sane datacenter. Not sure if all are in the same rack. On 
Tuesday, February 17, 2015 8:53 PM, "sean_r_dur...@homedepot.com" 
<sean_r_dur...@homedepot.com> wrote: What snitch are you using? You may need to 
do some work on your topology file (or rackdc) to make sure you have the 
topology you want. Also, it is possible you may need to restart OpsCenter 
agents and/or your browser to see the nodes represented properly in OpsCenter.  
Sean Durity – Cassandra Admin, Home Depot From: Batranut Bogdan 
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 10:20 AM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org;reynald.bourtembo...@esrf.fr
Subject: Re: Adding new node to cluster Hello, I know that UN is good, but what 
troubles me is the addition of the own node's ip in it's yaml seeds section. On 
Tuesday, February 17, 2015 3:40 PM, Reynald Bourtembourg 
<reynald.bourtembo...@esrf.fr> wrote: Hi Bogdan

In nodetool status:   
   - UJ: means your node is Up and Joining
   - UN: means your node is Up and in Normal state
UN in nodetool is good ;-) On 17/02/2015 13:56, Batranut Bogdan wrote:
Hello all, I have an existing cluster. When adding a new node, I saw that 
Opscenter saw the node in an unknown cluster. In the yaml, the cluster name is 
the same. So i have stopped the node and added it's ip address in the list of 
seeds. Now Opscenter sees my node. But nodetool status now sees it as UN, 
instead of UJ when it first started. One other mension is that even if I stop 
the node, remove it's ip from the list of seeds, Opscenter sees the node in the 
known clustre but nodetool sees it as UN. I am not sure what the implications 
of adding a node's ip in it's seed list are and I think that for the existing 
nodes I have might done the same. Eg. started with it's ip in the seed list but 
after removing it and having to restart the nodes for whatever reason, I did 
not see any changes. Is my cluster ok, or what do I need to do to bring the 
cluster to a good state? Thank you.
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