After a little testing I see that the client has a time-out because the
server takes longer.

This large batch_mutate took 5 seconds in Cassandra 1.0.11
The same batch_mutate takes three minutes in Cassandra 1.2.18

Is that normal!?



2015-02-04 18:29 GMT+01:00 Rene Kochen <>:

> Hi all,
> I have a problem with my client on Cassandra 1.2.18 which I did not have
> on Cassandra 1.0.11
> I create a big row with a lot of super-columns.
> When writing that row using batch_mutate, I receive the following error in
> my client:
> "A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly
> respond after a period of time or established connection failed because
> connected host has failed to respond"
> It is a single node Cassandra and I have increased the Thrift size in the
> yaml configuration.
> The Cassandra log shows nothing (TRACE level)
> That same call works on Cassandra 1.0.11
> Thanks!
> Rene

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