HI All, Please excuse me if my queries of are of novice user . On continuation with my last table design issue i am thinking of creating a Partition key on date(only) as in our search criteria time frame would always be there.
So my queries are 1) Is this a good idea as i don't have any other field to add it with the date key. All the time series examples points to the combination here i am talking only about a datewhich i would convert to an int format like 04022015. 2) Also any elaborate doc or writeup to identify how much data is on which node so that i can see the distribution of data on to the nodes For your reference below is my table structure CREATE TABLE logentries ( eventDate bigint PRIMARY KEY, context text, date_to_hour bigint, durationinseconds float, eventtimestamputc timestamp, ipaddress inet, logentrytimestamputc timestamp, loglevel int, logmessagestring text, logsequence int, message text, modulename text, productname text, searchitems map<text, text>, servername text, sessionname text, stacktrace text, threadname text, timefinishutc timestamp, timestartutc timestamp, urihostname text, uripathvalue text, uriquerystring text, useragentstring text, username text ); Thanks so much all for the help Cheers Asit