The model you are using seems OK. 
Your question: This forces me to enter the wea_name and wea_add for each new 
row, so how to identify a new row has been created?

Answer:    You do 'not'  need to add the wea_name or wea_address during inserts 
for every new row.    Your insert could only include the  Primary & clustered 
keys and it should be fine. 
You identify the new row via : Primary & clustered keys.
Errata:   You could add  Longitude & Latitude too to the model to add a level 
of detail especially since its widely prevalent for weather station data. 
hope this helps. 

     On Friday, January 23, 2015 3:14 AM, Srinivasa T N <> 

 I forgot, my task at hand is to generate a report of all the weather station's 
along with the sum of temperatures measured each day.


On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 2:14 PM, Srinivasa T N <> wrote:

Hi All,
   I was following the TimeSeries data modelling in PlanetCassandra by Patrick 
McFadin.  Regarding that, I had one query:

If I need to store the weather station name also, should it be in the same 
table, say:

create table test (wea_id int, wea_name text, wea_add text, eventday timeuuid, 
eventtime timeuuid, temp int, PRIMARY KEY ((wea_id, eventday), eventtime) );

This forces me to enter the wea_name and wea_add for each new row, so how to 
identify a new row has been created?  Or is there any better mechanism for 
modeling the above data?



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