We have a column family that has about 800K rows and on an average about a million columns. I am interested in getting all the row keys in this column family and I am using the following Astyanax code snippet to do this.
This query never finishes (ran it for 2 days but did not finish). This query however works with CF's that have lesser number of columns. This leads me to believe that there might be an API that just retrieves the row keys and does not depend on the number of columns in the CF. Any suggestions are appreciated. I am running Cassandra 2.0.9 and this is a 4 node cluster. keyspace.prepareQuery(*this* .wideRowTables.get(group)).setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.CL_QUORUM).getAllRows().setRowLimit(1000) .setRepeatLastToken(*false* ).withColumnRange(*new* RangeBuilder().setLimit(1).build()).executeWithCallback(*new* RowCallback<String, T>() { @Override *public* *boolean* failure(ConnectionException e) { *return* *true*; } @Override *public* *void* success(Rows<String, T> rows) { // iterating over rows here } });