
We have a 3 node cluster (on VM). Eg. host1, host2, host3. One of the VM
rebooted (host1) and when host1 came up it would see the others as down and
the others (host2 and host3) see it as down. So we restarted host2 and now
the ring seems fine(everybody sees everybody as up).

But now the clients timeout talking to host1. Have not figured out what is
causing it. There is nothing in the logs that indicates a problem. Looking
for indicators/help on what debug/tracing to turn on to find out what could
be causing it.

Now this happens only when a VM reboots (not otherwise), also it seems to
have recovered itself after some hours!!( or restarts) not sure which one.

This is 1.2.15, we are using ssl and cassandra authorizers.


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