Hello Hugo

 I was facing the same kind of requirement from some users. Long story
short, below are the possible strategies with advantages and draw-backs of

1) Put Spark in front of the back-end, every incoming
modification/update/insert goes into Spark first, then Spark will forward
it to Cassandra for persistence. With Spark, you can perform pre or
post-processing and notify external clients of mutation.

 The draw back of this solution is that all the incoming mutations must go
through Spark. You may set up a Kafka queue as temporary storage to
distribute the load and consume mutations with Spark but it add ups to the
architecture complexity with additional components & technologies

2) For high availability and resilience, you probably want to have all
mutations saved first into Cassandra then process notifications with Spark.
In this case the only way to have notifications from Cassandra, as of
version 2.1, is to rely on manually coded triggers (which is still
experimental feature).

With the triggers you can notify whatever clients you want, not only Spark.

The big draw back of this solution is that playing with triggers is
dangerous if you are not familiar with Cassandra internals. Indeed the
trigger is on the write path and may hurt performance if you are doing
complex and blocking tasks.

That's the 2 solutions I can see, maybe the ML members will propose other
innovative choices


On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 11:46 AM, Hugo José Pinto <hugo.pi...@inovaworks.com>

> Hello.
> We're currently using Hazelcast (http://hazelcast.org/) as a distributed
> in-memory data grid. That's been working sort-of-well for us, but going
> solely in-memory has exhausted its path in our use case, and we're
> considering porting our application to a NoSQL persistent store. After the
> usual comparisons and evaluations, we're borderline close to picking
> Cassandra, plus eventually Spark for analytics.
> Nonetheless, there is a gap in our architectural needs that we're still
> not grasping how to solve in Cassandra (with or without Spark): Hazelcast
> allows us to create a Continuous Query in that, whenever a row is
> added/removed/modified from the clause's resultset, Hazelcast calls up back
> with the corresponding notification. We use this to continuously update the
> clients via AJAX streaming with the new/changed rows.
> This is probably a conceptual mismatch we're making, so - how to best
> address this use case in Cassandra (with or without Spark's help)? Is there
> something in the API that allows for Continuous Queries on key/clause
> changes (haven't found it)? Is there some other way to get a stream of
> key/clause updates? Events of some sort?
> I'm aware that we could, eventually, periodically poll Cassandra, but in
> our use case, the client is potentially interested in a large number of
> table clause notifications (think "all changes to Ship positions on
> California's coastline"), and iterating out of the store would kill the
> streamer's scalability.
> Hence, the magic question: what are we missing? Is Cassandra the wrong
> tool for the job? Are we not aware of a particular part of the API or
> external library in/outside the apache realm that would allow for this?
> Many thanks for any assistance!
> Hugo

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