On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 2:29 AM, Alain RODRIGUEZ <arodr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry about the gravedigging, but what would be a good start value to tune > "rpc_max_threads" ? > Depends on whether you prefer that clients get a slow thread or none. > I mean, default is unlimited, the value commented is 2048. Native protocol > seems to only allow 128 simultaneous threads. Should I stick to 2048 or try > with something closer to 128 or even something else ? > Probably closer to 2048 than unlimited. > About HSHA, I have tried this mode from time to time since C* 0.8 and > always faced the "ERROR 12:02:18,971 Read an invalid frame size of 0. Are > you using TFramedTransport on the client side?" error)". I haven't try for > a while (1 year maybe), has this been fixed, or is this due to my > configuration somehow ? > I anti-recommend hsha, serious apparently unresolved problems exist with it. I understand this is FUD, but fool me once shame on you/fool me twice shame on me. =Rob