You should probably ask on the Cassandra user mailling list.

However, TTL is the only other case I can think of.

On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 1:36 PM, Davide D'Agostino <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Following this:
> Under what conditions Cassandra generates a tombstone?
> Basically I have not even big table on cassandra (90M rows) in my code
> there is no delete and I use prepared statements (but binding all necessary
> values).
> I'm aware that a tombstone gets created when:
> 1. You delete the row
> 2. You set a column to null while previously it had a value
> 3. When you use prepared statements and you don't bind all the values
> Anything else that I should be aware of?
> Thanks!
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Ryan Svihla

Solution Architect

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