Hi Phil,

just my 2 cents, just watch out for these issues like counter type
(replicate on write), compaction (when node load goes huge) and cassandra
instance gc. This issues exists in 1.x perhaps it has been resolved in 2.x.



On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 10:44 PM, Matt Brown <m...@mattnworb.com> wrote:

> This sounds like a good use case for
> http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/datetieredcompactionstrategy
> On Dec 1, 2014, at 3:07 AM, Phil Wise <p...@advancedtelematic.com> wrote:
> We're considering switching from using Redis to Cassandra to store
> short lived (~1 hour) session tokens, in order to reduce the number of
> data storage engines we have to manage.
> Can anyone foresee any problems with the following approach:
> 1) Use the TTL functionality in Cassandra to remove old tokens.
> 2) Store the tokens in a table like:
> CREATE TABLE tokens (
> id uuid,
> username text,
> // (other session information)
> );
> 3) Perform ~100 writes/sec like:
> INSERT INTO tokens (id, username )
> VALUES (468e0d69-1ebe-4477-8565-00a4cb6fa9f2, 'bob')
> USING TTL 3600;
> 4) Perform ~1000 reads/sec like:
> SELECT * FROM tokens
> WHERE ID=468e0d69-1ebe-4477-8565-00a4cb6fa9f2 ;
> The tokens will be about 100 bytes each, and we will grant 100 per
> second on a small 3 node cluster. Therefore there will be about 360k
> tokens alive at any time, with a total size of 36MB before database
> overhead.
> My biggest worry at the moment is that this kind of workload will
> stress compaction in an unusual way.  Are there any metrics I should
> keep an eye on to make sure it is working fine?
> I read over the following links, but they mostly talk about DELETE-ing
> and tombstones. Am I right in thinking that as soon as a node performs
> a compaction then the rows with an expired TTL will be thrown away,
> regardless of gc_grace_seconds?
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-7534
> http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/cassandra-anti-patterns-queues-and-queue-like-datasets
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-6654
> Thank you
> Phil

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