
Anyone who is using, or could recommend, a tool for versioning 
schemas/migrating in Cassandra? My list of requirements is:
 * Support for adding tables.
 * Support for versioning of table properties. All our tables are to be 
defaulted to LeveledCompactionStrategy.
 * Support for adding non-existing columns.
 * Optional: Support for removing columns.
 * Optional: Support for removing tables.

We are preferably a Java shop, but could potentially integrate something 
non-Java. I understand I could write a tool that would make these decisions 
using system.schema_columnfamilies and system.schema_columns, but as always 
reusing a proven tool would be preferable.

So far I only know of Spring Data Cassandra that handles creating tables and 
adding columns. However, it does not handle table properties in any way.


Jens Rantil
Backend engineer
Tink AB

Email: jens.ran...@tink.se
Phone: +46 708 84 18 32
Web: www.tink.se

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