We’re looking at switching data centers and they’re offering pretty aggressive pricing on boxes with fusion IO cards.
2x 1.2TB Fusion IO 128GB RAM 20 cores. now.. this isn’t the typical cassandra box. Most people are running multiple nodes to scale out vs scale vertically. But these boxes are priced aggressively and honestly I think that cassandra would be able to saturate the gigabit ethernet port on these machines. so it *might* be that these are TOO powerful in a way. Curious if others are running in this config and what tuning options were required to get it to work. Kevin -- Founder/CEO Spinn3r.com Location: *San Francisco, CA* blog: http://burtonator.wordpress.com … or check out my Google+ profile <https://plus.google.com/102718274791889610666/posts> <http://spinn3r.com>