I cant run opscenter in a secure environment for a couple of reasons, one - it 
phones home, two - lack of role based security.

It is a mistake to call a proprietary piece of software community when you cant 
use it in production.

It is easy enough to automate what opscenter does rather than relying in a 
third party in my enterprise,.

> On Oct 28, 2014, at 10:04 AM, Josh Smith <josh.sm...@careerbuilder.com> wrote:
> Yes Opscenter does work with the opensource version of Cassandra. I am 
> currently running both in the cloud and our private datacenter with no 
> problems. I have not tried 2.1.1 yet but I do not see why it wouldn’t work 
> also.
> Josh
> From: Tim Dunphy [mailto:bluethu...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 10:43 AM
> To: user@cassandra.apache.org
> Subject: opscenter with community cassandra
> Hey all,
>  I'd like to setup datastax opscenter to monitor my cassandra ring. However 
> I'm using the open source version of 2.1.1. And before I expend any time and 
> effort in setting this up, I'm wondering if it will work with the open source 
> version? Or would I need to be running datastax cassandra in order to get 
> this going?
> Thanks
> Tim
> -- 
> GPG me!!
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