you can use tools like chef along side vagrant to bring a cassandra. I
personally prefer LXC containers, as they mimic full blown vms, along side
chef-lxc which provides chef's awesome DSL for container customization
(similar dockerfile, and you wont install chef inside the container), for
our scenarios, i use 5 node clusters. and those whole spawn+ token set +
rebalance is done as part of the test setup,

this is assuming you want to run full blown integration test within a
single host. if you can afford multiple hosts, you can set up either
ephemeral hosts (chef-metal) or dedicated hosts (normal chef nodes but with
a CI agent , like team city or go-cd etc).

So, depending upon how big you want integration environment (from a single
host developer environment) till a production clone (say for capacity
planning & load testing), you can automate cassandra cluster provisioning
before you actually kick in your tests, which might be jmeter/gatling based
testing to actual unit/functional/UAT style testing. I use chef, but im
sure alternate exists in other frameworks
hope this help

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 10:36 PM, Paco Trujillo <>

> Hi Kevin
> We are using a similar solution than horschi. In the past we use
> CassandraUnit ( but truncate
> the tables after and before each test works better for us. We also set
> gc_grace_seconds to zero.
> *From:* horschi []
> *Sent:* maandag 13 oktober 2014 22:17
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: How do you run integration tests for your cassandra code?
> Hi Kevin,
> I run my tests against my locally running Cassandra instance. I am not
> using any framework, but simply truncate all my tables after/before each
> test. With which I am quite happy.
> You have to enable the unsafeSystem property, disable durable writes on
> the CFs and disable auto-snapshot in the yaml for it to be fast.
> kind regards,
> Christian
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 9:50 PM, Kevin Burton <> wrote:
> Curious to see if any of you have an elegant solution here.
> Right now I”m using cassandra unit;
> for my integration tests.
> The biggest problem is that it doesn’t support shutdown.  so I can’t stop
> or cleanup after cassandra between tests.
> I have other Java daemons that have the same problem.  For example,
> ActiveMQ doesn’t clean up after itself.
> I was *thinking* of using docker or vagrant to startup a daemon in a
> container, then shut it down between tests.
> But this seems difficult to setup and configure … as well as being not
> amazingly portable.
> Another solution is to use a test suite, and a setUp/tearDown that drops
> all tables created by a test.   This way you’re still on the same cassandra
> instance, but the tables are removed for each pass.
> Anyone have an elegant solution to this?
> --
> Founder/CEO
> Location: *San Francisco, CA*
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