I’m trying to query an entire table in parallel by splitting it up in token ranges.
However, it’s not working because I get this: cqlsh:blogindex> select token(hashcode), hashcode from source where token(hashcode) >= 0 and token(hashcode) <= 17014118346046923173168730371588410572 limit 10; Bad Request: unable to make long from '17014118346046923173168730371588410572' … so I’m trying to figure out what’s going on here. Is there some magic I have to use to force the string representation of the 128 bit long into a token pointer? -- Founder/CEO Spinn3r.com Location: *San Francisco, CA* blog: http://burtonator.wordpress.com … or check out my Google+ profile <https://plus.google.com/102718274791889610666/posts> <http://spinn3r.com>