Because I want this specific feature, and not all 2.1 features, even though
this is probably one of the most significant changes in 2.1. Upgrading
would be nice, but want to wait a little more before fully jumping into 2.1

We're having sudden peaks on read latency some time after a massive batch
write which is mostly likely caused by cold page cache of newly compacted
sstables, which will hopefully be solved by this.

On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 8:25 PM, James Briggs <>

> Paulo:
> Out of curiosity, why not just upgrade to 2.1 if you want the new features?
> You know you want to! :)
> Thanks, James Briggs
> --
> Cassandra/MySQL DBA. Available in San Jose area or remote.
>   ------------------------------
>  *From:* Robert Coli <>
> *To:* "" <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 16, 2014 4:13 PM
> *Subject:* Re: backport of CASSANDRA-6916
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Paulo Ricardo Motta Gomes <
>> wrote:
> Has anyone backported incremental replacement of compacted SSTables
> (CASSANDRA-6916) to 2.0? Is it doable or there are many dependencies
> introduced in 2.1?
> Haven't checked the ticket detail yet, but just in case anyone has
> interesting info to share.
> Are you looking to patch for public consumption, or for your own purposes?
> I just took the temperature of #cassandra-dev and they were cold on the
> idea as a public patch, because of potential impact on stability.
> =Rob

*Paulo Motta*

Chaordic | *Platform*
* <>*
+55 48 3232.3200

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