We've done this several times with clients - Ben's response will work and is pretty close to the approaches we took:
> > Use the gossiping property file snitch in the VPC data centre. > Agree. I don't think you could even do this effectively with the EC2Snitch. Use a public elastic ip for each node. > This or use a proxy if you need encryption for regulation compliance. Elastic IP means less moving parts though. Either way, follow this guide closely for locking stuff down during migration: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/vpc-migrate.html > > Have the instances in the VPC join your existing cluster. > This works, but we prefer a "lift and shift" where a new node replaces an old node one-for-one. This may more or less boil down to operation preferences and specific situations more so then one or the other being The Right Way: Other thoughts: - Go slowly and verify that clients and gossip are talking to the new nodes after each lift and shift - Don't forget to change seeds afterwards - This is not the time to upgrade/change *anything* else - match the version exactly even if its older -- ----------------- Nate McCall Austin, TX @zznate Co-Founder & Sr. Technical Consultant Apache Cassandra Consulting http://www.thelastpickle.com