Actually I think you do want to use scopeId, scopeType as the partition key
(and drop row caching until you upgrade to 2.1 where "rows" are in fact
rows and not partitions):

    scopeId uuid, scopeType varchar, nodeId uuid, nodeType varchar,
timestamp bigint,
    PRIMARY KEY ((scopeId , scopeType), nodeId, nodeType)

Then you can select using IN on the cartesian product of your clustering

SELECT timestamp
FROM  Graph_Marked_Nodes
WHERE scopeId = ?
AND scopeType = ?
AND (nodeId, nodeType) IN (
    (uuid1, 'foo'), (uuid1, 'bar'),
    (uuid2, 'foo'), (uuid2, 'bar'),
    (uuid3, 'foo'), (uuid3, 'bar')


PS Of course you could boldly go to 2.1 now for a nice performance boost :)

On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 8:59 PM, Todd Nine <> wrote:

> Hi all,
>   I'm working on transferring our thrift DAOs over to CQL.  It's going
> well, except for 2 cases that both use multi get.  The use case is very
> simple.  It is a narrow row, by design, with only a few columns.  When I
> perform a multiget, I need to get up to 1k rows at a time.  I do not want
> to turn these into a wide row using scopeId and scopeType as the row key.
> On the physical level, my Column Family needs something similar to the
> following format.
> scopeId, scopeType, nodeId, nodeType :{ timestamp: 0x00 }
> I've defined by table with the following CQL.
> ( scopeId uuid, scopeType varchar, nodeId uuid, nodeType varchar,
> timestamp bigint,
> PRIMARY KEY ((scopeId , scopeType, nodeId, nodeType))
> )WITH caching = 'all'
> This works well for inserts deletes and single reads.  I always know the
> scopeId, scopeType, nodeId, and nodeType, so I want to return the timestamp
> columns.  I thought I could use the IN operation and specify the pairs of
> nodeId and nodeTypes I have as input, however this doesn't work.
> Can anyone give me a suggestion on how to perform a multiget when I have
> several values for the nodeId and the nodeType?  This read occurs on every
> read of edges so making 1k trips is not going to work from a performance
> perspective.
> Below is the query I've tried.
> SELECT timestamp FROM  Graph_Marked_Nodes WHERE scopeId = ? AND scopeType
> = ? AND nodeId IN (uuid1, uuid2, uuid3) AND nodeType IN ('foo','bar')
> I've found this issue, which looks like it's a solution to my problem.
> However, I'm not able to get the syntax in the issue description to work
> either.  Any input would be appreciated!
> Cassandra: 2.0.10
> Datastax Driver: 2.1.0
> Thanks,
> Todd

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