One of our nodes is getting an increasing number of pending compactions due, we 
think, to , which is fixed in future 
version 2.0.11 .   (We had the same error a month ago, but at that time we were 
in pre-production and could just clean the disks on all the nodes and restart. 
Now we want to be cleverer.)

To overcome the issue we figure we should just rebuild the node using the same 
token range, to avoid unneeded data reshuffling.  So we figure we should  (1) 
find the tokens in use on that node via "nodetool ring", (2) stop cassandra on 
that node, (3) delete the data directory, (4) Use the tokens saved in step (1) 
as the initial_token list, and (5) restart the node.

But the node is a seed node and cassandra won't bootstrap seed nodes. Perhaps 
removing that node's address from the seeds list on the other nodes (and on 
that node) will be sufficient. That's what Replacing a Dead Seed 
 suggests. Perhaps I can remove the ip address from the seeds list on all nodes 
in the cluster, restart all the nodes, and then restart the bad node with 

I want to use the same IP address. and so I don't think I can follow the 
instructions at,
 because it assumes the IP address of the dead node and the new node differ.

If I just start it up  it will start serving traffic and read requests will 
fail. It wouldn't be the end of the world (the production use isn't critical 

Should we use "nodetool rebuild $LOCAL_DC"?  (though I think that's mostly for 
adding a data center) Should I add it back in and do "nodetool repair"? I'm 
afraid that would be too slow.

Again, don't want to REMOVE the node from the cluster: that would cause 
reshuffling of token ranges and data. I want to use the same token range.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Don

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