Try turning down 'tombstone_threshold' to something like '0.05' from it's default of '0.2.' This will cause the SSTable to be considered for tombstone only compactions more frequently (if %5 of the columns are tombstones instead of 20%).
For a bit more info, see: On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Paulo Ricardo Motta Gomes <> wrote: > Hey folks, > > After adding more nodes and moving tokens of "old" nodes to rebalance the > ring, I noticed that the "old" nodes had significant more data then the > newly bootstrapped nodes, even after cleanup. > > I noticed that the old nodes had a much larger number of SSTables on LCS > CFs, and most of them located on the last level: > > Node N-1 (old node): [1, 10, 102/100, 173, 2403, 0, 0, 0, 0] (total:2695) > > *Node N (new node): [1, 10, 108/100, 214, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] (total: 339)*Node > N+1 (old node): [1, 10, 87, 113, 1076, 0, 0, 0, 0] (total: 1287) > > Since these sstables have a lot of tombstones, and they're not updated > frequently, they remain in the last level forever, and are never cleaned. > > What is the solution here? The good old "change to STCS and then back to > LCS", or is there something less brute force? > > Environment: Cassandra 1.2.16 - non-vnondes > > Any help would be very much appreciated. > > Cheers, > > -- > *Paulo Motta* > > Chaordic | *Platform* > * <>* > +55 48 3232.3200 > -- ----------------- Nate McCall Austin, TX @zznate Co-Founder & Sr. Technical Consultant Apache Cassandra Consulting