
You can use the COPY command to load in data from a local file, however it
needs to be a csv formatted file. For more info see


On 27 August 2014 13:13, Malay Nilabh <malay.nil...@lntinfotech.com> wrote:

>  Hi
> I installed Cassandra on one node successfully using CLI I am able to add
> a table to the keyspace as well as  retrieve the data from the table. My
> query is if I have text file on my local file system and I want to load on
> Cassandra cluster or you can say bulk load. How can I achieve that. Please
> help me out.
> Regards
> *Malay Nilabh*
> BIDW BU/ Big Data CoE
> L&T Infotech Ltd, Hinjewadi,Pune
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> Email: malay.nil...@lntinfotech.com
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