The latest consensus around the web for running Cassandra on EC2 seems to
be "use new SSD instances." I've not seen any mention of the elephant in
the room - using the new SSD instances significantly raises the cluster
cost per TB. With Cassandra's strength being linear scalability to many
terabytes of data, it strikes me as odd that everyone is recommending such
a large storage cost hike almost without reservation.

Monthly cost comparison for a 100TB cluster (non-reserved instances):

m1.xlarge (2x420 non-SSD): $30,000 (120 nodes)
m3.xlarge (2x40 SSD): $250,000 (1250 nodes! Clearly not an option)
i2.xlarge (1x800 SSD): $76,000 (125 nodes)

Best case, the cost goes up 150%. How are others approaching these new
instances? Have you migrated and eaten the costs, or are you staying on
previous generation until prices come down?

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