I'm tracking down a weird bug and was wondering if you guys had any

I'm trying to create ten tables programatically.. .

The first one I create, for some reason, isn't created.

The other 9 are created without a problem.

Im doing this with the datastax driver's session.execute().

No exceptions are thrown.

I read the tables back out, and I have 9 of them, but not the first one.

I can confirm that the table isn't there because I'm doing a

  select * from foo0 limit 1

and it gives me an unconfigured column family exception.

so it looks like cassandra is just silently not creating the table.

This is just in my junit harness for now.  So it's one cassandra node so
there shouldn't be an issue with schema disagreement.

Kind of stumped here so any suggestion would help.


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