I'm on 2.0.9 - I'll open a JIRA ticket.


On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Sylvain Lebresne <sylv...@datastax.com>

> That sounds like a bug (the trace does look fishy). I'm not sure you've
> indicated the Cassandra version you use so the first thing might be to
> check that this hasn't been fixed in a recent version, but if you are using
> a recent release (say 2.0.9), then please do open a JIRA ticket with your
> reproduction steps.
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 4:25 AM, Ian Rose <ianr...@fullstory.com> wrote:
>> Hi -
>> I am currently running a single Cassandra node on my local dev machine.
>>  Here is my (test) schema (which is meaningless, I created it just to
>> demonstrate the issue I am running into):
>>   foo_name ascii,
>>   foo_shard bigint,
>>   int_val bigint,
>>   PRIMARY KEY ((foo_name, foo_shard))
>> ) WITH read_repair_chance=0.1;
>> CREATE INDEX ON foo (int_val);
>> CREATE INDEX ON foo (foo_name);
>> I have inserted just a single row into this table:
>> insert into foo(foo_name, foo_shard, int_val) values('dave', 27, 100);
>> This query works fine:
>> select * from foo where foo_name='dave';
>> But when I run this query, I get an RPC timeout:
>> select * from foo where foo_name='dave' and int_val > 0 allow filtering;
>> With tracing enabled, here is the trace output:
>> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=6XMEVUcQ
>> (In short, everything looks fine to my untrained eye until 10s elapsed,
>> at which time the following event is logged: "Timed out; received 0 of 1
>> responses for range 257 of 257")
>> Can anyone help interpret this error?
>> Many thanks!
>> Ian

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