For more specifically, I declared a column family

create column family Column_Family
        with key_validation_class = UTF8Type
        and comparator = 'CompositeType(LongType,UTF8Type)'
        and default_validation_class = UTF8Type;

Number of columns will depend on only first column name in composite column
or both.
For example,
With row key  = 1, I have data
1 | 20140813, user1 | value1
1 | 20140813, user2 | value2
1 | 20140814, user1 | value3
1 | 20140814, user2 | value4
(1: rowkey, "20140813, user1": composite column, "value1" : the value of

So the number of columns of row key 1 will be 2 or 4? (2 for 20140813 and
20140814, 4 for each distinct composite column)

Thank you so much

On 13 August 2014 03:18, Jack Krupansky <> wrote:

>   Your question is a little too tangled for me... Are you asking about
> rows in a partition (some people call that a “storage row”) or columns per
> row? The latter is simply the number of columns that you have declared in
> your table.
> The total number of columns – or more properly, “cells” – in a partition
> would be the number of rows you have inserted in that partition times the
> number of columns you have declared in the table.
> If you need to review the terminology:
> -- Jack Krupansky
>  *From:* hlqv <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 12, 2014 1:13 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Number of columns per row for composite columns?
>  Hi everyone,
> I'm confused with number of columns in a row of Cassandra, as far as I
> know there is 2 billions columns per row. Like that if I have a composite
> column name in each row, for ex: (timestamp, userid), then number of
> columns per row is the number of distinct 'timestamp' or each distinct
> 'timestamp, userid' is a column?

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