
I'm pretty sure it's preferable to clean all files and directories in 
/var/log/cassandra before starting up the new Cassandra node. This will make it 
start on a clean slate resetting all state from previous node.


Sent from Mailbox

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 6:21 PM, Rahul Gupta <rgu...@dekaresearch.com>

> I have a 3 node Cassandra Cluster. Using DataStax Enetrprise v4.5.1 on VMWare.
> I am adding 1 new node to this cluster for running Analytics workload.
> So I cloned existing one of the Cassandra VMs, changed the hostname, 
> restarted VMs, then updated Cassandra.yaml file and restarted Cassandra.
> - Cassandra Node
> - Analytics Node, cloned from above node.
> Now when this new node join the cluster, the existing node seem to disappear.
> I thought it is the issue with tokens, so I moved the new node to a new 
> token, still the same problem.
> In the log files I see:
> INFO [HANDSHAKE-/] 2014-08-08 11:59:18,847 
> OutboundTcpConnection.java (line 386) Handshaking version with /
> INFO [GossipStage:1] 2014-08-08 11:59:19,094 Gossiper.java (line 910) Node 
> / is now part of the cluster
> WARN [GossipStage:1] 2014-08-08 11:59:19,100 StorageService.java (line 1572) 
> Not updating host ID 3ce2cc13-7a3c-45cf-9a14-b29b0b7cfb4e for / 
> because it's mine
> When checked through nodetool on the new node, it shows only three nodes, 
> is not showing up.
> # nodetool ring -h
> Note: Ownership information does not include topology; for complete 
> information, specify a keyspace
> Datacenter: Analytics
> ==========
> Address       Rack        Status State   Load            Owns                
> Token
>  rack1       Up     Normal  15.65 GB        33.33%              
> 28356863910078205288614550619314017621
> Datacenter: Cassandra
> ==========
> Address       Rack        Status State   Load            Owns                
> Token
> 141784319550391026443072753096570088106
>    rack1       Up     Normal  19.42 GB        33.33%              
> 85070591730234615865843651857942052864
>    rack1       Up     Normal  18.77 GB        33.33%              
> 141784319550391026443072753096570088106
> When checked through nodetool on the old node, it shows only three nodes, 
> is not showing up.
> # nodetool ring -h
> Note: Ownership information does not include topology; for complete 
> information, specify a keyspace
> Datacenter: Cassandra
> ==========
> Address     Rack        Status State   Load            Owns                
> Token
> 141784319550391026443072753096570088106
>  rack1       Up     Normal  15.69 GB        33.33%              
> 28356863910078205288614550619314017620
>  rack1       Up     Normal  19.43 GB        33.33%              
> 85070591730234615865843651857942052864
>  rack1       Up     Normal  18.77 GB        33.33%              
> 141784319550391026443072753096570088106
> Thanks,
> Rahul Gupta
> DEKA Research & Development<http://www.dekaresearch.com/>
> 340 Commercial St  Manchester, NH  03101
> P: 603.666.3908 extn. 6504 | C: 603.718.9676
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