True - Hibernate, Eclipselink and others add plenty of "synchronization" 
overhead owed the fact that an entity instance does not need to be explicitly 
persisted to get persisted (just change the loaded instance and flush the 
session). That's very expensive (CPU and heap). Even though transaction 
synchronization adds another cost.

Pure mapping as itself is not really expensive compared to what one would do to 
return a Pojo or persist a Pojo. Take a look at - 
PersistenceSessionImpl.loadOne()/insert() add not much overhead during runtime 
- but you get the object "ready to use".

PS We are doing several million requests per day with Hibernate - but I spent a 
lot of work to optimize "framework" between business logic and JPA. It would 
not work "out of the box".

Am 22.07.2014 um 23:32 schrieb Michael Dykman <>:

> Removing *QL from application code is not really an indicator of the
> maturity of a technology. ORMs and automatic type mapping in general
> tend to be very easy things for a developer to work with allowing for
> rapid prototypes, but those applications are often ill-suited to being
> deployed is high-volume environments.
> I have used a wide variety of ORMs over the last 15 years, hibernate
> being a favourite at which I am held to have some expertise, but when
> I am creating an app for the real world in situations where I can
> expect several million requests/day, I do not touch them.
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 5:10 PM, Jake Luciani <> wrote:
>> Checkout datastax devcenter which is a GUI datamodelling tool for cql3
>> On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 7:17 PM, jcllings <> wrote:
>>> So I'm a Java application developer and I'm trying to find entry points
>>> for learning to work with Cassandra.
>>> I just finished reading "Cassandra: The Definitive Guide" which seems
>>> pretty out of date and while very informative as to the technology that
>>> Cassandra uses, was not very helpful from the perspective of an
>>> application developer.
>>> Having said that, what Java clients should I be looking at?  Are there
>>> any reasonably mature PoJo mapping techs for Cassandra analogous to
>>> Hibernate? I can't say that I'm looking forward to yet another *QL
>>> variant but I guess CQL is going to be a necessity.  What, if any, GUI
>>> tools are available for working with Cassandra, for data modelling?
>>> Jim C.
>> --
> -- 
> - michael dykman
> -
> May the Source be with you.

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