The problem with starting without vnodes is moving to them is a bit
hairy.  In particular, nodetool shuffle has been reported to take an
extremely long time (days, weeks).  I would start with vnodes if you
have any intent on using them.

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 6:03 PM, Robert Coli <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 5:16 PM, Diane Griffith <>
> wrote:
>> I did tests comparing 1, 2, 10, 20, 50, 100 clients spawned all querying.
>> Performance on 2 nodes starts to degrade from 10 clients on.  I saw similar
>> behavior on 4 nodes but haven't done the official runs on that yet.
> Ok, if you've multi-threaded your client, then you aren't starving for
> client thread paralellism, and that rules out another scalability
> bottleneck.
> As a brief aside, you "only lose" from vnodes until your cluster is larger
> than a certain sizes, and then only when adding or removing nodes from a
> cluster. Perhaps if you are ramping up and scientifically testing smaller
> cluster sizes, you should start at first with a token per range, ie
> "pre-vnodes" operation?
>> I basically did the command and it was outputting 256 tokens on each node
>> and comma separated.  So I tried taking that string and setting that as the
>> value to initial_token but the node wouldn't start up.
>> Not sure if I maybe had a carriage return in there and that was the
>> problem.
> It should take a comma delimited list of tokens, did the failed node startup
> log any error?
>> And if I do that do I need to do more than comment out num_tokens?
> No, though you probably should anyway in order to be unambiguous.
> =Rob

Jon Haddad
skype: rustyrazorblade

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