On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 9:16 AM, Parag Patel <ppa...@clearpoolgroup.com>

>  We have a 12 node cluster with replication factor of 3 in 1 datacenter.
> We want to add 6 more nodes into the cluster.  I’m trying to see what’s
> better bootstapping all 6 at the same time or doing it one node at a time.

I should really write a blog post on this.

For safety, operators should generally bootstrap one node at a time. There
are rare cases in non-vnode operation where one can safely bootstrap more
than one node, but in general one should not do so.

In the future in Cassandra, you will hopefully prohibited from
bootstrapping more than one at a time, because it's a natural thing to do
and Bad Stuff Can Happen.



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