What are the timestamps on those SST Tables?  Do those tables use TTL?

To answer your last question, I've seen that scenario happen under load
testing with column families with TTL.  Large loads within the TTL window
cause normal compaction to build up larger and larger SST tables.  When the
load falls off there's a couple very large tables and under normal load
small tables get TTL'd before any table gets large enough to hit
min_threshold, so data that's months old and should have been TTL'd will
never get the chance.

There's a nice blog that covers the bucket_high and the algorithm -- yes, I
believe setting bucket_high large enough will cause the one large table to
be grouped with the others -- however, if you're not using TTL, I don't
think there's an issue -- small tables simply need to build up to get
another three medium-sized tables (1.7 GB) which then need to build up to
get 4 larger (8GB tables).


On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 12:13 PM, John Sanda <john.sa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a write-heavy table that is using size tiered compaction. I am
> running C* 1.2.9. There is an SSTable that is not getting compacted. It is
> disproportionately larger than the other SSTables. The data file sizes are,
> 1.70 GB
> 0.18 GB
> 0.16 GB
> 0.05 GB
> 8.61 GB
> If I set the bucket_high compaction property on the table to a
> sufficiently large value, will the 8.61 GB get compacted? What if any
> drawbacks are there to increasing the bucket_high property?
> In what scenarios could I wind up with such a disproportionately large
> SSTable like this? One thing that comes to mind is major compactions, but I
> have not that.
> - John

*Ken Hancock *| System Architect, Advanced Advertising
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