What is your keyspace replication_factor? What consistency level are you reading/writing with?
Does the data show up eventually? I’m assuming you don’t have any errors (timeouts etc) on the write site On Jul 3, 2014, at 7:55 AM, Sávio S. Teles de Oliveira <savio.te...@cuia.com.br> wrote: > I have two Cassandra 2.0.5 servers running with some datas inserted, where > each row have one empty column. When the client send a lot of update commands > to fill this column in each row, some lines update their content, but some > lines remain with the empty column. > > Using one server, this never happens! > > Any suggestions? > > Tks. > -- > Atenciosamente, > Sávio S. Teles de Oliveira > voice: +55 62 9136 6996 > http://br.linkedin.com/in/savioteles > Mestrando em Ciências da Computação - UFG > Arquiteto de Software > CUIA Internet Brasil
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